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FRIGG Fairytale: The meaning behind the 9 colors

By 05/09/2022October 9th, 2024No Comments

FRIGG Fairytale: The meaning behind the 9 colors

FRIGG Fairytale is a pacifier inspired by the creative universe of the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, more specifically his amazing fairy tales and paper cuttings. Read the full story here.

The 9 pacifier colors are named by his fairy tales, and there is a meaning behind the chosen colors: Each color represents an element from the 9 fairy tales.


Pacifier Color ‘Willow Grey’

If I can’t have a horse I’ll take the billy goat,” said Clumsy Hans.

“He belongs to me, and he can carry me very well.

“So he mounted the billy goat, dug his heels into its sides, and galloped off down the highway.” 

‘Clumsy Hans’ is the color of Hans’ sweet goat; if it wasn’t for that goat Hans would have never married the princess.


Pacifier Color ‘Stone Blue’

When night comes on and children still sit in good order around the table, or on their little stools, Ole Lukoie arrives.

We all know the color of the dusk, slight bluish with a little touch of gray, just like this beautiful pacifier.


Pacifier Color ‘Silky Satin’

But he hasn’t got anything on,” a little child said.”

And naturally this pacifier has the color of the emperor’s skin.


Pacifier Color ‘Blush’

And she quickly struck the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother with her.

And the matches burned with such a glow that it became brighter than daylight.

Grandmother had never been so grand and beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and both flew in brightness and joy above the earth, very, very high, and up there was neither cold, nor hunger, nor fear-they were with God.

The color ‘The Little Match Girl’ has the color of the purest little heart of the girl.


Pacifier Color ‘Twilight Mauve’

“She was an unusual child, quiet and wistful, and when her sisters decorated their gardens with all kinds of odd things they had found in sunken ships, she would allow nothing in hers except a pretty marble statue.

This figure of a handsome boy, carved in pure white marble, had sunk down to the bottom of the sea from some ship that was wrecked.

Beside the statue she planted a rose-colored weeping willow tree, which thrived so well that its graceful branches shaded the statue and hung down to the blue sand, where their shadows took on a violet tint, and swayed as the branches swayed.

It looked as if the roots and the tips of the branches were kissing each other in play.”

Naturally, this pacifier needed to be a shade of purple, just like the shadow from the weeping willow tree in the garden.


Pacifier Color ‘Pretty in Peach’

“One evening a terrible storm blew up. It lightened and thundered and rained. It was really frightful! In the midst of it all came a knocking at the town gate.

The old King went to open it. Who should be standing outside but a Princess, and what a sight she was in all that rain and wind.

Water streamed from her hair down her clothes into her shoes, and ran out at the heels. Yet she claimed to be a real Princess!”

A true princess has cheeks like the color of a beautiful and sun-kissed peach – even when the rain is pouring down.


Pacifier Color ‘White Lilac’

“A few snowflakes were falling, and the largest flake of all alighted on the edge of one of the flower boxes.

This flake grew bigger and bigger, until at last it turned into a woman, who was dressed in the finest white gauze which looked as if it had been made from millions of star-shaped flakes.

She was beautiful and she was graceful, but she was ice-shining, glittering ice. She was alive, for all that, and her eyes sparkled like two bright stars.”

This pacifier has the color of a delicate frozen winter rose. The morphing of both the colorful and beautiful summer rose garden and the arrival of the beautiful yet cold Snow Queen.


Pacifier Color ‘Cream’

“But what did he see there, mirrored in the clear stream?

He beheld his own image, and it was no longer the reflection of a clumsy, dirty, gray bird, ugly and offensive.

He himself was a swan! Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched from a swan’s egg.”

Naturally, this pacifier needed to be the color of the Danish national bird: The Swan.


Pacifier Color ‘Primrose’

“A nicely polished walnut shell served as her cradle.

Her mattress was made of the blue petals of violets, and a rose petal was pulled up to cover her.”

As the color of the beautiful rose petals who covered Thumbelina at night, this pacifier has the same magical glow as this little human when she overcomes so many obstacles in the fairy tale.