Midwife’s Top 5 Tips for Starting Breastfeeding

As an expecting parent, it’s natural to have thoughts about breastfeeding, whether it’s your first baby or you already have experience with breastfeeding. Questions like “How will the start go?” or “What if breastfeeding doesn’t go as planned?” often come up. Although many pregnant women want to breastfeed, the preparation itself can sometimes seem overwhelming and unclear. However, there are many things you can do to set yourself up for a successful breastfeeding journey.
Why preparing for breastfeeding is so important
According to midwife Camilla Kristiansen, preparation is key to a successful breastfeeding start: “My best advice for anyone who wants to breastfeed is to prepare thoroughly. There’s so much you can do to encourage a successful start to breastfeeding. Even if things don’t go as planned initially, being prepared can help you get back on track,” she says.
Unfortunately, natural breastfeeding often faces challenges in a culture where medical interventions during births are common. These interventions can negatively impact the start of breastfeeding, increasing the risk of stopping earlier than desired. That’s why it’s important to be as prepared as possible to have control and a deeper understanding of your breastfeeding journey.
The midwife’s 5 best tips for a great start to breastfeeding
To help you on your way, midwife Camilla Kristiansen has compiled her five best and most practical tips to create the best conditions for a great start to breastfeeding:
It can be beneficial to start hand-expressing colostrum from week 36 of your pregnancy. This way, you get a better understanding of how your breasts work, and how the colostrum looks and feels. If the first breastfeeding session doesn’t go as planned, you’ll be able to stimulate the breasts in other ways to support milk production.
Prioritize plenty of skin-to-skin contact right after birth and in the days that follow. This contact not only helps regulate your baby’s temperature and heart rate but also promotes breastfeeding by stimulating the baby’s natural sucking reflex. If immediate skin-to-skin contact is not possible, make sure to do it as soon as you can.
One of the most crucial factors for a successful start to breastfeeding is support from your partner. Many partners may feel like they can’t contribute because they’re not the ones breastfeeding, but their encouragement and help can have a massive impact on the breastfeeding journey. A partner’s practical assistance, understanding, and positive attitude towards breastfeeding make a big difference in maintaining motivation.
Getting started with breastfeeding requires time and patience, especially in the first few days and weeks. It may feel like your days blur together with little else but nursing, but it’s important to remind yourself that breastfeeding becomes easier and more routine over time. Create a calm space where you can focus on breastfeeding without unnecessary interruptions.
Although life as a new parent can be filled with sleepless nights and unpredictable routines, it’s essential to take care of your own needs. Make sure to eat nutritious meals, drink plenty of water, and get fresh air whenever possible. If you can, share the night shifts, taking turns caring for the baby so that you both have the opportunity to rest and recharge.
How to set yourself up for a successful breastfeeding journey
Breastfeeding is not always easy, and there can be many challenges along the way, even if you’re well-prepared. But with the right support and information, you can give yourself and your baby the best possible chance for a healthy and successful breastfeeding journey. Educate yourself by reading about breastfeeding, seek advice from a midwife or lactation consultant, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Breastfeeding is not just about the physical act of nursing; it’s also about creating a deep bond with your baby and establishing a nurturing and comforting relationship. A solid start to breastfeeding can have a significant impact on both your and your baby’s well-being in the long term.

About Midwife Camilla Kristiansen
Camilla Kristiansen is an experienced midwife with over 20 years of experience. She has helped countless families get off to a good start with breastfeeding and has specialized in guiding both expecting and new parents. With her background in delivery rooms and as a lactation consultant, she has a deep understanding of the challenges that can arise with breastfeeding and knows how much of a difference the right preparation can make.